AETC Form 341 in Basic Military Training is the primary method the Air Education and Training Command uses to document discrepancies and excellence for non-prior service recruits in both basic training and Air Force Technical Schools.

At the top of the form are places for the recruit to enter his/her name, rank, and their squadron/flight information. Trainees in basic training and non-prior service airmen in technical schools must carry these forms with them at all times. As with everything in BMT, the forms will be folded a certain way and carried in a specific place. When I was in BMT we were also required to place a copy for the form at the head of our bunk after our bunk was made.

If a MTI observes a discrepancy or, less likely while in BMT, observers you doing something extremely excellent, they can “pull” a 341 from you. Then they complete the bottom of the form, documenting what they observed and returns the form to your squadron for further action (disciplinary action, chewing out, pat-on-the-back, or whatever your chain of command determines is appropriate).

It is very common for trainees to have 341’s pulled from them often, especially during the beginning of BMT. This is a training tactic that MTI’s use often. Just because a 341 is pulled, does not mean it will actually get turned in. If it does get turned in, you can expect to answer for your actions (or inactions).